Calef, R. C.

The Robert C. Calef, Jr. crew: 709th Squadron


Lt. Robert Chambers Calef Jr.


Flights with Robert C. Calef, Jr. listed as Pilot

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Plane Number Notes
#149 (26-Sep-44) Bremen, Germany 43-37818 MISSING after target


MACR 9401 reports that on September 26, 1944, at 1610 hours, 43-37818 Hurry Home took a direct flak hit in the right wing just after bombs away.

Eyewitness statements in the MACR report as follows:

“This aircraft flew #3 in the 2nd lead element squadron of the low group of 4A wing. This group bombed Bremerhaven as a last resort target. Aircraft #818 received a direct flak hit over target just after bombs away. At 1610 hours this aircraft was observed to be on fire with the entire right wing ablaze and part of #4 engine falling away. The aircraft went into a spin and then exploded and disintegrated. It was last seen a few miles north of the spot where it suffered initial damage. 2 to 3 chutes were seen before aircraft exploded.”


Roman R Pajakowski and GeorgeJ  Dvorak were taken POWs. T/Sgt. Galen E Miller Jr‘s body was recovered and was buried October 3, 1944, at Garrison Cemetery Wesermuende-Geestemuende in Section II, Area G, Row 51, Grave #50.


The Calef crew aboard 43-37818 on the Sept. 26, 1944 mission

Lt. Robert C. Calef Jr. Pilot
2Lt. George J. Dvorak Co-Pilot
Lt. Roman R. Pajakowski Navigator
Lt. Donald N. Fehrenbach Bombardier
T/Sgt. Paul R. Krubel Radio Operator
T/Sgt. Galen E. Miller Jr Top Turret Gunner
S/Sgt. Frank J. Martin Ball Turret Gunner
S/Sgt. Wayne S. Thompson Tail Gunner
S/Sgt. John Karbowsky Waist Gunner



Calef Family photo L-R: Richard T. Calef, Robert C. Chamber Jr. and Robert C. Chamber Sr. (should these be Calef instead of Chambers?)


Lt. Robert Chambers Calef standing on top of the top turret. Possibly 43-37818 Hurry Home.


Calef was originally the Co-Pilot for the Ripley Gage crew.

Ripley Gage Pilot
Lt. Robert C. Calef Co-Pilot
Lt. Roman Pajakowski Navigator
Lt. Donald Fehrenbach Bombardier



Galen Miller; Top Turret Gunner

Paul R. Krubel; Radio Operator

Frank J. Martin; Ball Turret Gunner

Roman Pajakowski; Navigator

Wayne S. Thompson; Tail Gunner

Wayne S. Thompson

Lt. Donald Fehrenbach; Bombardier

Lt. Donald Fehrenbach, Bombardier





Some photos/information provided by:

Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database