Carmack, M. C.

The Morton C. Carmack crew: 711th Squadron

Horton C. Carmack Pilot
John B. Gibbons Co-Pilot
Carl Bluit Nav.
Clifford L. Bybrarger Bomb.
Jay G. Glass Eng.
Ralph F. Venneman Radio Op.
Robert S. Garrett Armorer
Robert T. Pirtle B/T Gunner
Charles E. Scroggs Gunner
Clarence W. Foor Gunner


Flights with Morton C. Carmack listed as Pilot

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Plane Number Notes
#2 (30-Dec-43) Ludwigshafen, Germany 42-37866 chart 866, list says 206
#4 (04-Jan-44) Kiel, Germany 42-31155  
#8 (14-Jan-44) Grand Parc, France 42-31165  
#10 (24-Jan-44) Frankfurt, Germany 42-31155  
#13 (03-Feb-44) Wilhelmshaven, Germany 42-31155  
#14 (04-Feb-44) Frankfurt, Germany 42-31155  
#20 (20-Feb-44) Rostock, Germany 42-38097  
#21 (21-Feb-44) Diepholz, Germany 42-38097  
#33 (15-Mar-44) Brunswick, Germany 42-39880 PFF #880; Landed at Alconbury
#42 (01-Apr-44) Ludwigshafen, Germany 42-97567 PFF #567
#50 (20-Apr-44) Cherbourg / Bois de la Justice, France 42-97538  
#56 (29-Apr-44) Berlin, Germany 42-97538 710th; S.C.out
#77 (02-Jun-44) Conches, France 42-107060  
#88 (12-Jun-44) Conches, France 42-97803  
#114 (21-Jul-44) Regensburg, Germany 43-37938  
#133 (26-Aug-44) Brest, France 42-97819  
#148 (25-Sep-44) Ludwigshafen, Germany 42-97646 PFF-B #646
#152 (02-Oct-44) Kassel, Germany 42-97634 PFF-A #634
#159 (14-Oct-44) Cologne, Germany 44-8177 PFF-O #177
#167 (30-Oct-44) Merseburg, Germany 42-97936 PFF-F #936
#177 (25-Nov-44) Merseburg, Germany 42-97936 PFF-Y #936
#185 (12-Dec-44) Darmstadt, Germany 44-8393 PFF-V #393



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