Hodge, L. T.

The Lynn T. Hodge crew: 711th Squadron

Rattlesden, undated

(As assigned Oct 19, 1944)

Lt. Lynn T. Hodge
Lt. Sheldon S. Siegel
Lt. Apolonio Baraz
Lt. Albert J. Batlett
Sgt Wilfred J. Schirmer
Sgt. Kenneth D. Cooper
Sgt. Lyle R. Frye
Sgt. Walter A. Manaker
Sgt. Howard D. Robinson
Sgt. Richard H. Smith


Flights with Lynn T. Hodge listed as Pilot

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Plane Number Notes
#167 (30-Oct-44) Merseburg, Germany 43-37936  
#169 (02-Nov-44) Merseburg, Germany 44-8419  
#173 (09-Nov-44) Saarbrucken, Germany 42-31188 slated #900
#176 (21-Nov-44) Koblenz, Germany 44-6003  
#180 (30-Nov-44) Lutzkendorf, Germany 43-38731  
#181 (04-Dec-44) Mainz, Germany 42-39882  
#186 (15-Dec-44) Hannover, Germany 43-38731  
#187 (18-Dec-44) Mainz, Germany 44-8419  
#189 (28-Dec-44) Koblenz, Germany 44-8419  
#190 (30-Dec-44) Mannheim, Germany 42-97900  
#191 (31-Dec-44) Wenzendorf, Germany 42-97900  
#192 (01-Jan-45) Dollberg, Germany 43-38731  
#193 (02-Jan-45) Nalbach, Germany 43-38884  
#196 (06-Jan-45) Worms, Germany 43-38984 ABORT Bomb bay doors
#199 (10-Jan-45) Karlsruhe, Germany 43-37544  
#202 (15-Jan-45) Augsburg, Germany 43-38984  
#203 (16-Jan-45) Dessau, Germany 42-31582 Landed at Hibaldstowe
#204 (20-Jan-45) Heilbronn, Germany 42-31582 Landed at B-53
#207 (01-Feb-45) Wesel, Germany 43-38731 ABORT #2 Super out
#208 (03-Feb-45) Berlin, Germany 42-97803 ABORT #4 Eng out; Landed at Woodbridge; Replaced by Dewey in #873
#209 (06-Feb-45) Chemnitz, Germany 42-31582  
#211 (14-Feb-45) Wesel, Germany 42-31582  
#212 (15-Feb-45) Cottbus, Germany 42-31582 ABORT two runaway props
#214 (19-Feb-45) Wesel, Germany 44-8643  
#215 (20-Feb-45) Nurnberg, Germany 42-31582  
#216 (22-Feb-45) Aalen, Germany 42-31582  
#222 (01-Mar-45) Ulm, Germany 42-31582  
#224 (03-Mar-45) Brunswick, Germany 43-38984  
#225 (07-Mar-45) Datteln-Emscher Lippe, Germany 42-31582  
#226 (08-Mar-45) Frankfurt, Germany 42-31582  
#230 (12-Mar-45) Marburg, Germany 42-31582  
#231 (14-Mar-45) Hannover, Germany 43-38984  
#233 (17-Mar-45) Ruhland, Germany 43-38984  
#235 (19-Mar-45) Zwickau, Germany 43-38984  
#236 (20-Mar-45) Hamburg, Germany 43-39350  


S/Sgt Walter Manaker




Combat Missions (previously compiled)

The following is a list of missions identified so far on which Lt. Lynn Hodge is listed as first pilot. It many not represent all missions flown by the members of the Hodge crew.

1 10/30/44 MERSEBURG 43-37936 Bonnie Baby
2 11/02/44 MERSEBURG 44-8419
3 11/21/44 KOBLENZ 44-6003
4 11/30/44 LUTZKENDORF 43-38731 Blythe Spirit
5 12/04/44 MAINZ 42-39882
6 12/15/44 HANOVER 43-38731 Blythe Spirit
7 12/18/44 MAINZ 44-8419
8 12/28/44 KOBLENZ 44-8419
9 12/30/44 MANNHEIM 42-97900
10 12/31/44 WENZENDORF-STADE 42-97900
11 01/01/45 DOLLBERGEN 43-38731 Blythe Spirit
12 01/02/45 NALBACH- 43-38884
13 01/10/45 KARLSRUHE 43-37544 D-Day Doll
14 01/20/45 HEILBRONN 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
15 02/06/45 BERLIN 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
16 02/14/45 WESEL 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
17 02/20/45 NURNBERG 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
18 02/22/45 AALEN 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
19 03/01/45 ULM 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
20 03/03/45 BRUNSWICK 43-38984
21 03/07/45 DATTELN 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
22 03/08/45 FRANKFURT 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
23 03/12/45 MARBURG 42-31582 Ol’ Scrapiron
24 03/14/45 HANOVER 43-38984
25 03/17/45 RUHLAND 43-38984
26 03/19/45 ZWICKAU 43-38984
27 03/20/45 HAMBURG No. 350 (?)



Some photos/information provided by:

  • Mr. David Manaker