Jacobs, R. M.

The Robert M. Jacobs crew: 710th Squadron

Unknown US location, undated

(As assigned June 15, 1944)

Lt Robert M. Jacobs 
Lt Frank B. Pollard 
Lt James F. Burkhart 
Lt Thomas B. Winborne 
S/Sgt Granville Newton 
S/Sgt John W. Tennant 
Sgt Edward N. Wellnitz Jr 
Sgt Arthur Cooper 
Sgt Louis Joseph 
Sgt Robert C. Scott


Flights with Robert M. Jacobs listed as Pilot

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Plane Number Notes
#106 (11-Jul-44) Munich, Germany 42-37873 MISSING after target; Landed in Switzerland


According to Missing Air Crew Report 7223.

Robert Jacobs Pilot
Frank Pollard Co-pilot
Jim Burkhart Navigator
Tom Winborne Bombardier
Granville Newton Flight engineer/top turret gunner
John Tennant Radio Operator
Ed Wellnitz Ball turret gunner
Art Cooper Waist gunner
Lou Joseph Waist gunner
Bob Scott Tail gunner


42-37873, photographed at Dubendorf Switzerland on July 12, 1944.


See Also: Combat Diary: Sgt Arthur Cooper




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Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database