Leverett, W. W.

The Wylie W. Leverett crew: 708th Squadron

IDs taken from an article titled: The Last Crew of “Fuddy Duddy”

Standing L-R:  
James Tiffany Flight Engineer/Top Turret Gunner
Robert Hilderbrant Radio Operator/Gunner
Harold Hunt Bombardier (Togglier)
Edward Davis Ball Turret Gunner
Ewwady Haynia Waist Gunner
David Danhour Tail Gunner
Kneeling L-R:  
Wylie Leverett Pilot
Robert Mihovich Co-Pilot
Larry Adler Navigator


Flights with Wylie W. Leverett listed as Pilot

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Plane Number Notes
#181 (04-Dec-44) Mainz, Germany 43-37830  
#184 (11-Dec-44) Koblenz, Germany 42-97400 Target of Opp
#187 (18-Dec-44) Mainz, Germany 42-97400  
#188 (24-Dec-44) Babenhausen, Germany 43-38450 T/O #2
#188 (24-Dec-44) Babenhausen, Germany 42-97400 T/O #1 — Returned #4 Feathered
#190 (30-Dec-44) Mannheim, Germany 42-97400  


The Leverett crew was aboard 42-97400 on the mission Dec. 30, 1944.

Lt. Wylie Leverett Pilot KIA
Lt. Bob McHovich Co-Pilot KIA
Lt. Larry Adler Navigator POW
Sgt Harry Hunt Bombardier POW
S/Sgt Jim Tiffany Top Turret Gunner KIA
S/Sgt Bob Hildebrandt Radio Operator KIA
Sgt Roy Davis Ball Turret Gunner KIA
Sgt Edwin Haynia Waist Gunner KIA
Sgt Earl Danhour Tail Gunner KIA




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Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database