Moriarty, T. F.

The Thomas F. Moriarty crew: 711th Squadron

Rattlesden, Feb 44

Standing L-R:
Lt Irving Danzig
Lt Ellis B. Colvin
Lt Clarence Aaberg
Lt Thomas F. Moriarty
S/Sgt Richard Pitt
Kneeling L-R:
Sgt W.F. Powell
Sgt C. Lamb
Sgt F. DuHadway
Sgt G.S. Foster
S/Sgt W.D. Ernst


Flights with Thomas F. Moriarty listed as Pilot

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Plane Number Notes
#59 (07-May-44) Berlin, Germany 42-97497  
#60 (08-May-44) Berlin, Germany 42-97497 ABORT, excess gas cond
#61 (09-May-44) Laon / Athies, France 42-97497  
#62 (11-May-44) Malines, Belgium 42-97497  
#65 (19-May-44) Berlin, Germany 42-102441 ABORT, lost formation
#66 (20-May-44) Liege, Belgium 42-38052  
#67 (22-May-44) Kiel, Germany 42-97497  
#68 (23-May-44) Troyes, France 42-97392  
#71 (27-May-44) Karlsruhe, Germany 42-97497  
#72 (28-May-44) Konigsburg, Germany 42-97497  
#73 (29-May-44) Leipzig, Germany 44-6016  
#75 (31-May-44) Hamm, Germany 42-97497 ABORT
#76 (02-Jun-44) Wimereux, France 42-3485  



Lt. Thomas F. Moriarty; Pilot

Lt. Thomas F. Moriarty; As Co-Pilot for Aaberg crew

S/Sgt Richard Pitt, Jr.; Engineer

S/Sgt William Ernst; Radio Operator

Sgt Cleveland Lamb, Jr.; Waist Gunner

Sgt William Powell; Waist Gunner

Sgt Gilbert Foster; Tail Gunner





Combat Missions (previously compiled)

After Lt. Clarence Aaberg  was killed during the the Rostock mission (2/24/1944), the crew was assigned to fly with Lt. George C. Hoffmiester. In April, Co-pilot Moriarty is made First Pilot for the crew for the remainder of their tour, with the missions below.

04/27/44 LE CULOT 42-31206
05/07/44 BERLIN 42-31206
05/09/44 LAON/ATHIES A/D 42-31206
05/11/44 MALINES 42-31206
05/20/44 LIEGE 42-31206
05/22/44 KIEL 42-31206
05/23/44 TROYES 42-31206
05/27/44 KARLSRUHE 42-31206
05/28/44 KONISBURG 42-31206
05/29/44 LEIPZIG 42-31206
06/02/44 CONCHES A/F 42-31206

Info above and crew photos repeated from the page for the Aaberg Crew


Some photos/information provided by:

Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database