Pauling, H. S.

The Howard S. Pauling crew: 708th Squadron

Rattlesden, undated

(As assigned Nov 8, 1943)

Lt Howard S. Pauling
Lt Loren M. Davis
Lt Louis F. DeFelice
Lt Paul N. Scherer
Sgt Glen D. Standish
Sgt Paul D. Knight
Sgt James S. Prusa
Sgt Lee V. Kingston
Sgt Henry R. McCowan
Sgt Elvin Abaum



11/43 Harvard AAB, Nebraska
11/43 708th Sqdn, Rattlesden (Original crew)
Missions flown:  22


Flights with Howard S. Pauling listed as Pilot

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Plane Number Notes
#1 (24-Dec-43) Droinville, France 42-37871  
#4 (04-Jan-44) Kiel, Germany 42-31127  
#7 (11-Jan-44) Brunswick, Germany 42-31185  
#11 (29-Jan-44) Frankfurt, Germany 42-31127 ABORT
#13 (03-Feb-44) Wilhelmshaven, Germany 42-31156  
#14 (04-Feb-44) Frankfurt, Germany 42-31156  
#15 (05-Feb-44) Romilly-sur-Seine, France 42-38052  
#17 (08-Feb-44) Weisbaden, Germany 42-31185  
#19 (13-Feb-44) Pas de Calais, Marquenville, France 42-31156  
#21 (21-Feb-44) Diepholz, Germany 42-31156  
#22 (24-Feb-44) Rostock, Germany 42-31156 long delay
#23 (25-Feb-44) Regensburg, Germany 42-31156  
#24 (28-Feb-44) Bois de la Justice, France 42-37866  
#25 (29-Feb-44) Brunswick, Germany 42-31191  
#26 (03-Mar-44) Berlin, Germany 42-3487 PFF Col. Wilson P, Capt. Bigelow N, Lt. Pauling TG
#27 (04-Mar-44) Berlin, Germany 42-31156  
#28 (06-Mar-44) Berlin, Germany 42-31156  
#34 (16-Mar-44) Augsburg, Germany 42-31127  
#40 (27-Mar-44) Merignac, Chartes, France 42-31156  
#41 (28-Mar-44) Chartres, France 42-31156  
#42 (01-Apr-44) Ludwigshafen, Germany 42-31217  
#43 (08-Apr-44) Rheine, Germany 42-31095  
#44 (09-Apr-44) Warnemunde, Germany 42-31156 Landed at Norham
#46 (11-Apr-44) Arnimswalde, Poland 42-31156 MISSING


On April 11, 1944 42-31156 Big Stoop was hit by flak on the mission to northern Germany. The aircraft made a crash landing on Bornholm Island in Denmark.

Photos courtesy Mr. Rob Kirkwood


Four members of Lt. Pauling’s crew were captured. The rest managed to return to England.

Pilot Lt Howard S. Pauling Evaded and returned
Copilot 2Lt Lauren M. Davis Evaded and returned
Navigator 2Lt Ernest M. Norman POW
Bombardier 2Lt Paul N. Scherer Evaded and returned 
Top Turret T/Sgt Glenn D. Standish Evaded and returned
Radio Operator T/Sgt Paul D. Knight POW
Ball Turret S/Sgt James L. Prusa POW
Left Waist S/Sgt Henry R. McCowan POW
Right Waist S/Sgt Leo V. Kingston Evaded and returned
Tail Gunner S/Sgt Elvin (NMI) Albaum Evaded and returned

Source: MACR 3824, Bits & Pieces Project, Roll of Honor




The Pauling crew at Rattlesden



Combat Missions (previously compiled)

No Date Target Aircraft
1 12/24/43 NOBALL NO. 50 DROINVILLE 42-37871 Uninvited
2 01/04/44 KIEL 42-31127
3 01/11/44 BRUNSWICK 42-31184 Old Crow
4 01/29/44 FRANKFURT 42-31127
5 02/03/44 WILHELMSHAVEN 42-31156 Big Stoop
6 02/04/44 FRANKFURT 42-37868
7 02/05/44 ROMILLY 42-31097
8 02/08/44 WEISBADEN 42-31185 Satchel Lass
9 02/13/44 NOBALL NO.S 110, 78 42-31156 Big Stoop
10 02/21/44 DIEPHOLZ 42-31156 Big Stoop
11 02/24/44 ROSTOCK 42-31156 Big Stoop
12 02/25/44 REGENSBURG 42-31156 Big Stoop
13 02/28/44 NOBALL NO. 74 BOIS DE LA JUSTICE 42-37866
14 02/29/44 BRUNSWICK 42-31191
15 03/04/44 BERLIN – RECALL 42-31156 Big Stoop
16 03/06/44 BERLIN 42-31156 Big Stoop
17 03/16/44 AUGSBURG 42-31127
18 03/27/44 MARIGNAC CHARTRES 42-31156 Big Stoop
19 03/28/44 CHARTRES 42-31156 Big Stoop
20 04/01/44 LUDWIGSHAFEN 42-31217
21 04/08/44 RHEINE 42-31095 Ground Pounder
22 04/11/44 ARNIMSWALDE 42-31156 Big Stoop



Some photos/information provided by:

  • Mr. Rob Kirkwood