Wiegerink, L. T.

The Lloyd T. Wiegerink crew: 708th Squadron

Rattlesden, undated

Assigned SO121, 22 May 1944

Standing L-R
Capt Lloyd T. Wiegerink 
1st Lt William L. Archer 
1st Lt Joseph Nidich (Radar)
1st Lt Arthur M George 
1st Lt Walter L. Haight 
Kneeling L-R
T/Sgt John L. Murphy 
S/Sgt Preston F. Laton 
S/Sgt Andrew F D’ Amico
S/Sgt Joseph F. Scher
T/Sgt John V. Pesarczyk  


Flights with Lloyd T. Wiegerink listed as Pilot

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Plane Number Notes
#78 (03-Jun-44) Pas de Calais / Audresselles, France 42-31095  
#81 (05-Jun-44) Le Touquet, France 42-31095  
#82 (06-Jun-44) Caen, France 42-31095  
#85 (07-Jun-44) Nantes, France 42-107220 Landed at Boreham
#88 (12-Jun-44) Conches, France 42-107220  
#89 (14-Jun-44) Florennes, Belgium 42-31095 Spare/filled in
#90 (15-Jun-44) Misburg, Germany 42-97400  
#91 (18-Jun-44) Misburg, Germany 42-97400  
#93 (20-Jun-44) Fallerslaben & Koningsborn, Germany 42-97400  
#109 (14-Jul-44) Area 10, France 43-37531  
#110 (16-Jul-44) Stuttgart, Germany 43-37531  
#111 (18-Jul-44) Cuxhaven, Germany 43-37531 replaced Hendel/Fokete
#122 (07-Aug-44) Anizy le Chateau, France 42-32081 ABORT #4 Prop
#127 (14-Aug-44) Mannheim, Germany 43-37938  
#131 (24-Aug-44) Brux, Czechoslovakia 43-37774  
#139 (08-Sep-44) Mainz, Germany 43-37774  
#140 (09-Sep-44) Besancon, France 43-37774  
#144 (13-Sep-44) Stuttgart, Germany 43-37774  
#145 (17-Sep-44) Arnheim, Holland 43-37774  
#156 (07-Oct-44) Merseburg, Germany 43-37774  
#173 (09-Nov-44) Saarbrucken, Germany 42-97769 PFF-Y #769 ABORT Mickey InOp
#173 (09-Nov-44) Saarbrucken, Germany 42-97936 PFF-Y #936 (#769 on LL)
#173 (09-Nov-44) Saarbrucken, Germany 44-8365 PFF #365




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