In 1939, the U.S. Army Air Corps developed a plan to train up to 1,200 pilots each year. The Corps’ own flight training facilities were expanded and supplemented by civilian airfields and instructors under contract, the Civilian Pilot Training Program (or “CPT”). By 1944, over 30,000 qualified pilots were being trained each year.
June, 1942: Art Wayrynen had just completed his sophomore year at Washington State College at Pullman, and left school to enlist. He was accepted as a pilot-cadet and spent the next 14 months training in the CPT. The following photographs record that time, and represent the training experience of many 447th pilots.
Having passed CPT at the top of his class, Art reported to the Air Force training and classification center in Santa Ana, California. There, it was discovered for the first time that he was slightly color-blind, and disqualified. He then was assigned to the aerial gunnery school in Laredo Texas, and joined the 447th in June 1944 as ball-turret gunner with the Polansky crew.
Although Art retained a keen interest in aviation throughout his life, he never again flew as a pilot.
The photographs included are from David Wayrynen’s personal collection. (Quoted captions as handwritten in Art’s album)
Primary Flying at Pendleton, Oregon: July – Sept. 1942
Friends Al and Art on June 30, 1942 one day before enlisting
Pendleton cadets were quartered in cabins at a nearby campground
With Pendleton roommate, Chuck
First instructor, C. Inman
All smiles on Solo Day, August 1, 1942; Taylorcraft BC-35, NC36019
Secondary Flying at Klamath Falls, Oregon: Nov. 1942 – Feb. 1943
“Better quarters at the Hotel Claremont in Klamath Falls”
“What a ship!”
“The ship — NC612”
“Ready to go up?”
“Back from a cold ride”
“Ready to go.”
“Hot Pilot beside a Curtiss Falcon”
“Art and ‘Dub’ with a Cessna twin-motor”
Advanced at Baker Oregon: May – Aug. 1943
“Our home (YMCA) My room above door”
“The ‘Gang’ at Baker”
“Waco trainer”
“With a Fairchild M62”
“I knew we should’a taken that left turn at Albequerque – Preparing for a cross-country hop”
“One of the boys and instructor, Miss Baxter”
“H.P. Art in a Cloudster”