
B-17G-35-DL 42-107067

709th SQ — F

11th April 1944 crash landed in Sweden, 10 crew captured. Aircraft was held and converted for passenger transport after the war and was written off in an accident in 1946.


Delivered Denver 10/2/44; Gr Island 20/2/44; Grenier 6/3/44; Assigned 709BS/447BG Rattlesden 24/3/44


Flight listings for 42-107067

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#44 (09-Apr-44) Warnemunde, Germany Jurnecka, J. E  
#45 (10-Apr-44) Diest Schaffen, Germany Jurnecka, J. E  
#46 (11-Apr-44) Arnimswalde, Poland Jurnecka, J. E MISSING

 Missing in Action Berlin 11/4/44 with Joe Jurnecka, Co-pilot: Howard McHenry, Navigator: John Heinzelman, Bombardier: John White, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Jerome Wodin, Radio Operator: Chas Hodden, Ball turret gunner: Bill Tatum, Waist gunner: Bob Shorts, Waist gunner: Dave Thompson, Tail gunner: John Siedlicki (10 INT); flak KOd #1, force landed Bulltofta, Sweden. Missing Air Crew Report 3825. Rep by Swedish airline as SE-BAR; sold to AFA Denmark as OY-DFA; W/O 30/1/46.





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Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database