
B-17F-115-BO 42-30731



Flight listings for 42-30731

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#165 (25-Oct-44) Harburg, Germany McMath, R.  
#205 (21-Jan-45) Mannheim, Germany Armstrong, I. V. PFF-Q
#210 (09-Feb-45) Weimar, Germany Neal, G. G. #731-Q
#217 (23-Feb-45) Crailsheim, Germany Burnette, M. A.  
#220 (26-Feb-45) Berlin, Germany Neal, G. G. #731-Q
#222 (01-Mar-45) Ulm, Germany Malone, E. G.  
#230 (12-Mar-45) Marburg, Germany Chandler, H. D. 731-Q




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