
B-17G-20-BO 42-31563

710th SQ


Delivered Denver 24/11/43; Kearney 7/12/43; Romulus 17/12/43; Presque Is 20/12/43; Assigned 710BS/447BG Rattlesden 26/12/43


Flight listings for 42-31563

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#10 (24-Jan-44) Frankfurt, Germany Finfinger, G. E.  
#11 (29-Jan-44) Frankfurt, Germany Ralston, D. E.  
#14 (04-Feb-44) Frankfurt, Germany Finfinger, G. E.  
#16 (06-Feb-44) Evreux-Fauville, France Finfinger, G. E. (141 peciled in, erased)
#17 (08-Feb-44) Weisbaden, Germany Finfinger, G. E. replaced Kautt
#18 (10-Feb-44) Brunswick, Germany Kautt, E. T.  
#21 (21-Feb-44) Diepholz, Germany Leavitt, G. N.  
#22 (24-Feb-44) Rostock, Germany Kautt, E. T.  
#23 (25-Feb-44) Regensburg, Germany Kautt, E. T. MISSING


Missing in Action Regenwsburg 25/2/44 with Ervin Kautt, Co-pilot: Keith Ratts, Navigator: Ernie Johnson, Bombardier: Chas Nemeth, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Harry Blosser, Radio Operator: Jim Noah, Ball turret gunner: Don Filby, Waist gunner: Scott Eddy, Waist gunner: Bob Corrie{wia-repatriated early ‘45} (9 Prisoner of War);Tail gunner: Clyde Long (Killed in Action); enemy aircraft, crashed near Hauenstein, 11 miles ER of Pirmasens, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 2892.





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Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database