
B-17F-70-DL 42-3485

711th SQ — D


Assgn 482BG 08/43 (H2-X); flew with 447th (711BS) in June 1944 (not PFF); reassigned to 482nd for APHRODITE conversion, salvaged – non-battle damage in May 1945 (B&P, FFS, I)


Flight listings for 42-3485

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#76 (02-Jun-44) Wimereux, France Moriarty, T. F.  
#83 (06-Jun-44) Caen, France Read, G. B. 711th
#85 (07-Jun-44) Nantes, France Ray, J. C. Landed at Hunsden



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