
B-17G-15-DL 42-37865

708th SQ


Delivered Denver 24/9/43; Gr Island 21/10/43; Assigned 708BS/447BG Rattlesden, lost over Atlantic en route UK 27/11/43, last contact at Goose Bay, Labrador 85 miles away. with Leon Thiesen, c-Floyd Fuller, Navigator: John Marsland, Bombardier: Dan Duffin, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ray Bassemir, Radio Operator: Basil Garros, Ball turret gunner: George Dunger, Waist gunner: Rich Doereck,Tail gunner: Gene Darter (9 Killed in Service). No trace, a severe blizzard followed. Missing Air Crew Report 1119.


Flight listings for 42-37865

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#14 (04-Feb-44) Frankfurt, Germany Davis, C. C. HS-46 (#148 was also at HS-46)
#16 (06-Feb-44) Evreux-Fauville, France Davis, C. C.  



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Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database