B-17G-30-DL 42-38164
709th SQ
Built in January 1944, and assigned to the 447th at Rattlesden in February, Virginia Lee would fly 20 combat missions before being lost on May 12, during one of the most intense fighter engagements the 447th would experience. Capt. Wayne Larson was able to bring Virginia Lee in for a crash landing near the town of Angolsheim in Germany. All on board were captured.
Flight listings for 42-38164
These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.
On board during May 12, 1944 crash landing in Germany
Pilot | Capt Wayne B. Larson | POW |
Copilot | Maj William W. Brown | POW |
Navigator | Lt Randolph D. L. Carlee | POW |
Bombardier | Lt Donald W. Wilson | POW |
Top Turret | T/Sgt Michael E. Brebenar | POW |
Radio Operator | T/Sgt Howard P. Quain | POW |
Ball Turret | S/Sgt Dale L. Hale | POW |
Left Waist | S/Sgt Guido (NMI) De Salvo | POW |
Right Waist | S/Sgt Fred E. Lehman | POW |
Tail Gunner | 2Lt Craig T. Kellogg | POW |
From MACR 4767, Bits & Pieces Project, Roll of Honor
The name and the distinctive artwork would reappear on 42-97092 Virginia Lee II with the same artwork on a NMF plane.
Combat Missions (previously compiled)
23 | 02/25/44 | REGENSBURG | Zeig | |
25 | 02/29/44 | BRUNSWICK | Johnson, K.A. | |
26 | 03/03/44 | BERLIN – RECALL | Johnson | |
27 | 03/04/44 | BERLIN – RECALL | Maj. Norris/Rowland | Lead 4A Wing |
28 | 03/06/44 | BERLIN | Davis | |
30 | 03/09/44 | BERLIN | Maj. Elder/Beaty | Lead 4A Wing |
33 | 03/15/44 | BRUNSWICK | Johnson, K.A. | |
40 | 03/27/44 | MARIGNAC CHARTRES | Skinner | |
45 | 04/10/44 | DIEST SCHAFFEN | Stenvig | |
47 | 04/13/44 | AUGSBURG | Beaty | |
49 | 04/19/44 | LIPSTADT WERL | Beaty | |
50 | 04/20/44 | NOBALL | Beaty | |
51 | 04/22/44 | HAMM | Sizer | |
53 | 04/26/44 | BRUNSWICK | Gagon | |
55 | 04/27/44 | NOBALL NO. 78 | Beaty | |
55 | 04/27/44 | LE CULOT | Maj. David/Goetz | Lead 4A Wing |
57 | 04/30/44 | CLERMONT A/D | Beaty | |
60 | 05/08/44 | BERLIN | Beaty | |
61 | 05/09/44 | LAON/ATHIES A/D | Beaty | Lead 4B High Group |
62 | 05/12/44 | ZWICKAU | Larson |
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