42-97614 NICK’S PLACE

B-17G-20-VE 42-97614


Flight listings for 42-97614

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#67 (22-May-44) Kiel, Germany Allen, W. C. PFF-F #614 Landed at Bury
#82 (06-Jun-44) Caen, France Gagon, S. E. PFF #614 Landed at Bury
#87 (11-Jun-44) Le Touquet – Merlimont Plage, France Gage, R. W. PFF #614 Landed at Bury
#88 (12-Jun-44) Conches, France Gagon, S. E. PFF #614
#90 (15-Jun-44) Misburg, Germany Gagon, S. E. PFF #614 (CED F)
#92 (19-Jun-44) St.Jean D’Angely, France Newman, F. M. PFF #614
#93 (20-Jun-44) Fallerslaben & Koningsborn, Germany Gagon, S. E. PFF #614





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