B-17G-70-BO 43-37818
709th SQ
709SQ; MIA Ludwigshafen 9/26/44 w/Calef; falk, cr Oldenburg, Ger; 7KIA 2POW
Flight listings for 43-37818
These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.
MACR 9401 reports that on September 26, 1944, at 1610 hours, 43-37818 Hurry Home took a direct flak hit in the right wing just after bombs away.
Eyewitness statements in the MACR report as follows:
“This aircraft flew #3 in the 2nd lead element squadron of the low group of 4A wing. This group bombed Bremerhaven as a last resort target. Aircraft #818 received a direct flak hit over target just after bombs away. At 1610 hours this aircraft was observed to be on fire with the entire right wing ablaze and part of #4 engine falling away. The aircraft went into a spin and then exploded and disintegrated. It was last seen a few miles north of the spot where it suffered initial damage. 2 to 3 chutes were seen before aircraft exploded.”
Roman R Pajakowski and GeorgeJ Dvorak were taken POWs. T/Sgt. Galen E Miller Jr‘s body was recovered and was buried October 3, 1944, at Garrison Cemetery Wesermuende-Geestemuende in Section II, Area G, Row 51, Grave #50.
The Calef crew aboard 43-37818 on the Sept. 26, 1944 mission
Lt. Robert C. Calef Jr. | Pilot |
2Lt. George J. Dvorak | Co-Pilot |
Lt. Roman R. Pajakowski | Navigator |
Lt. Donald N. Fehrenbach | Bombardier |
T/Sgt. Paul R. Krubel | Radio Operator |
T/Sgt. Galen E. Miller Jr | Top Turret Gunner |
S/Sgt. Frank J. Martin | Ball Turret Gunner |
S/Sgt. Wayne S. Thompson | Tail Gunner |
S/Sgt. John Karbowsky | Waist Gunner |
Galen Miller; Top Turret Gunner |
Paul R. Krubel; Radio Operator |
Frank J. Martin; Ball Turret Gunner |
Roman Pajakowski; Navigator |
Wayne S. Thompson; Tail Gunner |
Wayne S. Thompson |
Lt. Donald Fehrenbach; Bombardier |
Lt. Donald Fehrenbach, Bombardier |
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Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database