44-8310 THUMPER

B-17G-60-VE 44-8310

708th SQ — M



Delivered Hunter 7/8/44; Jacksonville 11/8/44; Grenier 5/9/44; Assigned 447BS Rattlesden 7/9/44; 524BS/379BG [WA-P] Kimbolton 10/9/44


Flight listings for 44-8310

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#141 (10-Sep-44) Giebelstadt, Germany Barrett, G. W. PFF-G #310 (may be different”310″ plane)
#142 (11-Sep-44) Fulda, Germany Mahl, D. E. PFF-G #310; fell out of lead
#143 (12-Sep-44) Bohlen & Fulda, Germany Newman, F. M. PFF-G #310
#156 (07-Oct-44) Merseburg, Germany Harris, H. PFF-G #310; Landed at Bury


Cpl Edward J. Hogg, Sgt Russel H. Jarsky Jr., Theron Gullion-Sheldon and unidentified.


Photo taken at Kingman, 1946


Returned to the USA Bradley 12/6/45; Sth Plains 19/6/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 17/12/45.

SQ N/A; PFF; RFC Kingman, date unk; ID from Borcherding photo; see Aircraft Gallery 6


Some photos/information provided by:

Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database