44-8365 ISLAND QUEEN (?)

B-17G-60-VE 44-8365


Flight listings for 44-8365

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#170 (04-Nov-44) Hamburg, Germany Harris, H. PFF #365
#173 (09-Nov-44) Saarbrucken, Germany Wiegerink, L. T. PFF #365
#178 (26-Nov-44) Hamm, Germany Harris, H. PFF-Z #365 Capt. Harris
#179 (27-Nov-44) Bingen, Germany Reece, W. G. PFF-Z #365
#180 (30-Nov-44) Lutzkendorf, Germany Bonham, F. H. PFF #365-Z
#182 (06-Dec-44) Merseburg, Germany Elder, C. L. ABORT (second attempt) Nav Inst U/S
#183 (10-Dec-44) Koblenz, Germany Moore, W. T. PFF-Z #365
#184 (11-Dec-44) Koblenz, Germany LaPore, R. F. PFF-Z #365
#189 (28-Dec-44) Koblenz, Germany Harmon, C. W. PFF-Z #365
#190 (30-Dec-44) Mannheim, Germany Gunn, F. A. PFF-Z #365
#194 (03-Jan-45) Koblenz, Germany Robinson, J. F. PFF-Z #365
#196 (06-Jan-45) Worms, Germany Fargo, J. R. PFF-Z #365
#198 (08-Jan-45) Frankfurt, Germany Lefebvre, M. A. PFF-Z #365
#199 (10-Jan-45) Karlsruhe, Germany Hatfield, B. E. PFF #365
#200 (13-Jan-45) Mainz, Germany Lubinsky, M. PFF #365
#202 (15-Jan-45) Augsburg, Germany Harmon, C. W. PFF-Z #365
#203 (16-Jan-45) Dessau, Germany Logan, J. B. PFF-Z #365 Landed at Sandoft
#205 (21-Jan-45) Mannheim, Germany Harmon, C. W. PFF #365 with Capt. Gormly
#206 (29-Jan-45) Kassel, Germany Hight, J. R. PFF-Z #365
#208 (03-Feb-45) Berlin, Germany Hatfield, B. E. PFF-Z #365
#209 (06-Feb-45) Chemnitz, Germany Wrigglesworth, W. J. PFF-Z #365
#211 (14-Feb-45) Wesel, Germany Josephson, H. C. PFF-Z #365
#212 (15-Feb-45) Cottbus, Germany Moore, W. T. PFF-Z #365
#213 (16-Feb-45) Wesel, Germany Josephson, H. C. PFF-Z #365
#214 (19-Feb-45) Wesel, Germany Olds, R. W. PFF-Z #365
#215 (20-Feb-45) Nurnberg, Germany Josephson, H. C. PFF #365, with Delle Monache
#216 (22-Feb-45) Aalen, Germany Harmon, C. W. PFF #365
#218 (24-Feb-45) Bremen, Germany Tietjen, R. D. PFF-Z #365 ABORT #1 Eng rough
#224 (03-Mar-45) Brunswick, Germany Moore, W. T. PFF-Z #365
#225 (07-Mar-45) Datteln-Emscher Lippe, Germany Dingivan, E. A. PFF #365 Col. McRay as CA
#226 (08-Mar-45) Frankfurt, Germany Fargo, J. R. PFF-Z #365
#230 (12-Mar-45) Marburg, Germany Stanley, G. C. PFF #365 with Maj Lauten
#231 (14-Mar-45) Hannover, Germany Fargo, J. R. PFF-Z #365
#234 (18-Mar-45) Berlin, Germany McClanahan, M. R. PFF-Z #365
#238 (22-Mar-45) Heibert, Germany area White, W. A. PFF-Z #365
#240 (24-Mar-45) Varrelsbusch, Germany White, W. A. PFF #365, Capt. Johansen was CA
#244 (03-Apr-45) Kiel, Germany White, W. A. PFF-Z #365
#245 (04-Apr-45) Kiel, Germany McClanahan, M. R. PFF #365, Engine Fire (replaced by PFF #393) Capt Brown was AC
#249 (09-Apr-45) Neuburg, Germany Mayhew, A. D. PFF #365
#252 (14-Apr-45) Royan, France Josephson, H. C. PFF-Z #365
#257 (20-Apr-45) Neuruppin, Germany Hight, J. R. PFF #365 Maj. Carmack was CA



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