44-8458 JEANNE E.

B-17G-65-VE 44-8458

708th SQ — X


Delivered Dallas 18/9/44; Hunter 16/10/44; Dow Fd 26/10/44; Assigned 708BS/447BG Rattlesden 30/10/44; battle damaged Weimar 9/2/45 with ?; force landed continent; Salvaged 13/2/45. JEANNE E.


Flight listings for 44-8458

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#188 (24-Dec-44) Babenhausen, Germany Nagle, C. W. PFF-X #458
#191 (31-Dec-44) Wenzendorf, Germany Lubinsky, M. PFF-X #458
#192 (01-Jan-45) Dollberg, Germany Elder, C. L. PFF-X #458
#195 (05-Jan-45) Waxweiler, Germany Boyd, W. S PFF-X #458
#196 (06-Jan-45) Worms, Germany Dingivan, E. A. PFF-X #458
#197 (07-Jan-45) Paderborn, Germany Widstrom, R. G. PFF-X #458
#199 (10-Jan-45) Karlsruhe, Germany Moore, W. T. PFF-X #458 Landed at Martlesham Heath
#202 (15-Jan-45) Augsburg, Germany Henningsen, E. L. PFF-X #458
#210 (09-Feb-45) Weimar, Germany Lubinsky, M. PFF #458, Capt. Brown was AC; Landed in Brussels





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Some information and/or images sourced from the American Air Museum database