
B-17G-80-VE 44-8783


Flight listings for 44-8783

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#217 (23-Feb-45) Crailsheim, Germany Hight, J. R.  
#218 (24-Feb-45) Bremen, Germany Hight, J. R. PFF-X #783
#240 (24-Mar-45) Varrelsbusch, Germany Brill, R. D. PFF #783, Capt. Reece was CA
#246 (05-Apr-45) Nuremberg, Germany Gillespie, R. T. PFF-X #783
#250 (10-Apr-45) Brandenburg, Germany Kearney, H. C. PFF #783, Capt. Johanson was AC
#251 (11-Apr-45) Ingolstadt, Germany Kearney, H. C. PFF-X #783
#254 (16-Apr-45) Royan, France Minker, R. L. PFF-X #783
#257 (20-Apr-45) Neuruppin, Germany Neal, A. M. PFF #783, Capt LaPore was CA





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