
B-17G-85-VE 44-8870


Flight listings for 44-8870

These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.

447th Mission (Date) Target Pilot Notes
#242 (30-Mar-45) Hamburg, Germany Josephson, H. C.  
#243 (31-Mar-45) Salzwedel, Germany Hight, J. R. PFF-V #870
#245 (04-Apr-45) Kiel, Germany Nagle, C. W. PFF #870 on HS-20; Maj. Carmack was AC
#247 (07-Apr-45) Schwerin, Germany Nagle, C. W. PFF-V #870
#249 (09-Apr-45) Neuburg, Germany Fargo, J. R. PFF-V #870
#251 (11-Apr-45) Ingolstadt, Germany Nagle, C. W. PFF-V #870
#252 (14-Apr-45) Royan, France Stanley, G. C.  
#253 (15-Apr-45) Royan, France Thorup, L. G.  
#255 (17-Apr-45) Dresden, Germany Boyd, W. S PFF #870 Col. Boyd
#256 (19-Apr-45) Dresden, Germany Walsh, W. J.  




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