Flights with Hunter Harris, Jr listed as Pilot
These lists are NOT limited to officially credited Combat missions, and may include Aborts, returns and non-takeoff occurrences as well.”
447th Mission (Date) | Target | Plane Number | Notes |
#1 (24-Dec-43) | Droinville, France | 42-31092 | |
#2 (30-Dec-43) | Ludwigshafen, Germany | 42-31092 | |
#6 (07-Jan-44) | Ludwigshafen, Germany | 42-3484 | PFF 42-3484; Dixon was Pilot, Harris CP |
#8 (14-Jan-44) | Grand Parc, France | 42-31128 | |
#17 (08-Feb-44) | Weisbaden, Germany | 42-37745 | PFF #745, landed at Alconbury |
#22 (24-Feb-44) | Rostock, Germany | 42-31431 | slated #777 |
#33 (15-Mar-44) | Brunswick, Germany | 42-40018 | PFF #018; Landed at Alconbury |
#38 (23-Mar-44) | Brunswick, Germany | 42-97542 | PFF #542 |
#57 (30-Apr-44) | Clermont Ferrand, France | 42-32080 | |
#61 (09-May-44) | Laon / Athies, France | 42-31092 | |
#64 (13-May-44) | Osnabruck, Germany | 42-31092 | |
#80 (04-Jun-44) | Versailles, France | 42-31092 | |
#82 (06-Jun-44) | Caen, France | 42-97634 | PFF #634 |
#91 (18-Jun-44) | Misburg, Germany | 42-97646 | |
#99 (25-Jun-44) | Vercors, France Area #1 | 42-31777 | Col. Harris |
#123 (08-Aug-44) | Bretteville sur Laise, France | 42-97538 | |
#130 (18-Aug-44) | St. Dizier, France | 42-97976 | |
#137 (03-Sep-44) | Brest, France | 42-97538 | Col. Harris |
#144 (13-Sep-44) | Stuttgart, Germany | 42-31582 | Capt. Harris |
#146 (19-Sep-44) | Koblenz, Germany | 42-97769 | PFF-Q #769 |
#151 (28-Sep-44) | Merseburg, Germany | 42-97646 | PFF #646 |
#156 (07-Oct-44) | Merseburg, Germany | 44-8310 | PFF-G #310; Landed at Bury |
#170 (04-Nov-44) | Hamburg, Germany | 44-8365 | PFF #365 |
#178 (26-Nov-44) | Hamm, Germany | 44-8365 | PFF-Z #365 Capt. Harris |
#188 (24-Dec-44) | Babenhausen, Germany | 42-97769 | PFF-Y #769, Capt Harris |
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