2004: 447th BG Reunion in Kansas City

More than 60 veterans and family members attended the 2004 reunion in Kansas City.


447th BG Reunion

Kansas City; Oct. 5-10, 2004


Russ Chase, Jean Ferris, Joe Ferris, Jill Ferris, and Bill Rudisill


Arnold Kushner and John Osbahr


Steve Borcherding, Tom Fitzgerald, Russ Chase and Bill Rudisill discuss a piece of German flak


Big Shorty CodmanBill Shrum and Denis Grant, who came all the way from England to be with us.


Steve Todd wore his recreation of his dad’s A-2.


John and Julie Campbell were there, recording the events, and conducting interviews for their documentary film, Though the Heavens Fall — Stories of the 447th Bomb Group (that’s John, hiding behind the camera)


Past-president Edward A. Dingivan was presented with a plaque of appreciation


The beautiful Franklin Mint Bit o’ Lace was awarded to the 2004 Raffle winner, Lawrence Estep.  The winning ticket was drawn by Lace‘s pilot, Warren Bates.


447th Bomb Group Association Board: Dean Sassaman, Russell Chase, George Hoidra, John Osbahr, Pete Petrillo, Edward A. Dingivan, John Nicosia and William Shrum


Thanks also to the staff of Armed Forces Reunions, who organized and conducted a faultless event; and to our hosts, the 8th Air Force Historical Society.